Rattman is love, Rattman is life

I had all the companion cubes
Even the radios
I pray to Rattman every night thanking him for the live i'v been given.
Wheatly calls me a orphan bitch
I call him a Bitchy Brit
He slams into me and tells me to say apple
I'm crying and my face hurts
I feel a warm presence behind me
Its Rattman
He comes up to me and whispers in my ear " It will be over soon"
He puts me on my hands and knees with his strong, dirty hands
He rips of my jumpsuit and puts his hands on my ass cheeks
He slowly fills my ass with his love
It hurts so much, but i did it for Rattman
Wheatly comes in
Rattman says "Its all over now"
Rattman crawls out of the relaxation chamber window.
Rattman is love, Rattman is Life